Sunday, May 26, 2013

Principles and Standards For School Mathematics - Literature For Mathematics Education Research

NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) in 2000, published a book entitled 'Principles and Standards for School Mathematics'. According to the NCTM, school mathematics standards include content standards or materials (mathematical content) and standard processes (mathematical processes). 

The standard covers the process of problem solving, reasoning and proof, connections, communications, and the representation. NCTM standards stated also that both the material and the process standards together constitute the basic skills and understanding is needed of the students in the 21st century (Together, the Standards describe the basic skills and understandings that students will need to function Effectively in the twenty-first century). 

This book is often used as a source by most researchers in the field of mathematics, whether it is writing his thesis, thesis or dissertation. soon have this book.

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