Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ways of Starting Math Lessons in Interesting

Lots of math teachers who use class time by 45 minutes following activities:

30 minutes-to discuss the tasks and
10 minutes of new-member classes.
5 minutes member task to the students.

This approach is done almost every day, can only be categorized as a "BED"
Destroying the entire interest of students

Although it is important to discuss the tasks that have been given, but a teacher does not need to start lessons as way above, and should not use most of the time in class to discuss the tasks and then. The first five minutes often mean the success or failure of a lesson. Thus it is important to discuss ways to start the lesson the students attention.
Among them:

1. Starting the lesson with a defiant challenge
2. Challenge
3. Using historical topics
4. Utilizing props effectively
5. End the lesson with something special, for example with the game, so that students miss for the next class with a new topic.