Is university life different from school life? The answer is yes or no. As far as I concerned, university life and school life are the same. Both the demand that work hard. There are some differences. Of course, however, I prefer not to talk about similarities or differences. I suggest that we talk about how to be a good university student. You do agree with me, don’t you? Many people believe that a good student does not need to be one who has very high intelligence.
And I do agree with them. I see many examples of students who are smart but who are not so successful in their study. On the other hand, I see many examples of student who are not so smart, but who are quite successful! What are their secrets? I don’t think that there are such secrets. All this is common sense.
First, Plan well: quarterly, weekly, and daily. A task well planned is a task a half done. At the beginning of the semester, you will meet you academic adviser.
Second, Attend classes well. This may sound weird to you. But do attend classes. Try not to miss even one. Of course you are given 25% of the time to be absent.
Third, Be resourceful. What the teacher tells you in class is just a very small amount of the body of knowledge that you can find from various sources. The teacher’s is to open the door. You must enter by yourself. Go to the library and find books which give you more information. You must go to the library at least three times a week.
Fourth, Know yourself. Ask yourself these questions: do I like this subject or that? Am I feeling happy, or unhappy, studying this subject? Am I not very enthusiastic, Am I feeling bored, or Am I being distressed? You must be familiar with these feeling.
Fifth, Pray. Man proposes, God disposes, whatever come out your endeavors. Always thank god. There are times when you are successful and times when you fail. Even when you fail, there is always something that is good for you: blessing in disguise. Every religion has its ways for one to communicate with god.